Automated Monitoring and Alerts: Keeping an Eye on Platform Health

In an era where downtime is not an option and issues must be resolved before they affect users, automated monitoring and alerts are more than conveniences—they are necessities. Through the lens of platform engineering, we’ll explore why automated monitoring is crucial for maintaining platform health, how alerts can be more than just noise, and the …

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Performance Monitoring: The Unsung Hero of Platform Engineering

In the world of platform engineering, there’s a key element that often goes unnoticed but plays a critical role in ensuring optimal performance, reliability, and user satisfaction: Performance Monitoring. While other aspects like scalability and security often steal the limelight, understanding and implementing effective performance monitoring can be a game-changer. Why Performance Monitoring is Crucial …

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Security Monitoring and Logging: Eyes and Ears of Platform Engineering

In the digital age, monitoring and logging are more than just nice-to-have features; they’re essential components of a robust security infrastructure. As businesses increasingly rely on complex, distributed systems, the need for real-time insights into system behavior has never been more acute. This article discusses how platform engineering employs monitoring and logging to serve as …

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