The Power of Internal Developer Portals: Spotlight on Backstage

Internal Developer Portals are a key component of An Internal Developer Platform (IDP). They act as a centralized hub where developers can find all the tools, libraries, and documentation needed to do their jobs effectively. In this post, we will explore the significance of and focus on Backstage, an open-source developer portal that brings unique benefits to the table.

What is an Internal Developer Portal?

An Internal Developer Portal is essentially a self-service hub designed to assist developers in discovering and accessing internal tools, APIs, and services. The main aim is to streamline workflows, reduce the time spent on administrative tasks, and ultimately, accelerate development cycles.

Why are Internal Developer Portals Important in Platform Engineering?

Centralized Resource Hub

Platform engineering involves a myriad of tools, APIs, and services. An Internal Developer Portal centralizes these resources, making it easier for developers to find what they need without having to switch between multiple platforms.

Enhanced Collaboration

Internal Developer Portals foster collaboration by providing shared tools, guidelines, and best practices. This ensures that teams are aligned in their objectives and work in a more synchronized manner.

Time Savings

The Internal Developer Portal minimizes the time spent searching for tools and documentation, allowing developers to focus on writing code, solving problems, and adding value.

Compliance and Security

With all resources centralized, it’s easier to enforce security protocols and ensure compliance, a critical aspect in platform engineering.

Introducing Backstage: The Open-Source Internal Developer Portal

Developed by Spotify and now an open-source project, Backstage stands out as a powerful Internal Developer Portal with distinct advantages:

Extensible Architecture

Backstage is designed to be a plug-and-play solution, allowing for easy customization and extensibility. Organizations can add their tools and services effortlessly.

Unified Experience

Backstage offers a consistent user experience across all tools and services, greatly reducing the learning curve for developers.

Streamlined Operations

It comes with built-in templates for creating microservices or other software components, thus simplifying and standardizing the development process.

Integration Capabilities

Backstage can be seamlessly integrated with other tools in the development ecosystem, such as Jenkins for CI/CD or Grafana for monitoring.


One of the key features of Backstage is its focus on discoverability. With its intuitive search and tagging features, developers can easily find the tools or resources they need without sifting through extensive documentation or multiple platforms.

Open Source Community

Being open-source, Backstage benefits from a thriving community that continually contributes to its development. This means regular updates, new features, and a wide array of plugins developed by the community that you can leverage for free.

Microservices Management

Backstage provides a centralized dashboard to monitor the health and metrics of your microservices. This is especially valuable in a platform engineering context, where monitoring the health of multiple services is crucial for maintaining reliability and performance.

Best Practices for Implementing Backstage in Platform Engineering

  1. Start Small: Begin by integrating a few essential tools or services and gradually expand as your team gets accustomed to the environment.
  2. Training: Offer training sessions to get your developers up to speed with the Backstage interface and features.
  3. Customization: Take advantage of Backstage’s extensible architecture by developing custom plugins that are specifically tailored to your organization’s needs.
  4. Community Contributions: Stay involved in the Backstage community to take advantage of new features, updates, and plugins that could benefit your organization.


Internal Developer Portals like Backstage can be game-changers in platform engineering, offering a range of benefits including streamlined operations, enhanced collaboration, and robust security. By implementing an Internal Developer Portal, you set the stage for more efficient, effective, and agile development practices, which are key attributes in today’s fast-paced tech landscape.

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